The garden changes everyday and I really start to notice the subtle changes that will lead to amazing things in the coming weeks. The baby tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, peppers, etc will very soon be items for devouring and preserving for winter.

I am excited every morning to see what has happened overnight and then to check again at the end of the day to see how much everything has grown in a few short hours.

It constantly amazes me how this time of year is so productive that I can't even keep up. These are the photos that will keep me going when the PNW winter returns all too soon. I hope that everyone takes the time to plant something, even if only on a small terrace in the big city.

The joy of watching something grow and provide a glimpse into the power of nature if something that everyone should experience on some level. I caution though, that it is addictive and it seems that there is always more to experiment with as I look through the package from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds that arrived today.

It is never too late in the season to try to grow a new variety or start planning for next year!