The busy summer continues here in the Pacific Northwest. As other parts of the US are winding down in the garden department we are just now going strong with harvesting.
Things have been crazy here this summer with more varieties of plants to try but more pest pressure than we have had in years past.
The leaf miner battle with the spinach, chard and beets has been a battle of wills for sure. Next year we will use row covers more to try to keep them from taking hold.
Same for the cabbage loopers that tried to destroy the cabbage and brussel sprouts.
But the nasturtiums have done their job and the black aphids have been drawn to them instead of destroying other crops in the garden.
We would definitely advise the potager or kitchen style garden with the mix of flowers and veggies as the companion planting really does benefit all of the crops and gives you plenty of pretty flowers to enjoy as well.
We have found that sharing the bounty of the garden and the products we make from it to be a pleasure and a way to spread the philosophy of fermentation.
We love the fermented products we are able to make from the garden veggies and the possibilities and combinations are endless.
Enjoy the pictures below of the harvest from today and the 3 liters of salsa that I started with just today's' tomatoes. In a few days we will have more salsa to enjoy and share!